Posts for June 4, 2023
To all tankpitters: open invite for a community raid night. Enter at your own peril. Beginning Saturday June 10th, 2023, 8PM EST. Let us convene on the field of battle. Set aside our differences for the enjoyment of all. See you there.
- Posted by La donna e mobile
Flawless Victory ,
Alright dude I'm done with you. You're just on here trolling at this point. Wouldn't expect you to respond to anything you haven't read.
- Posted by Antagonize
Game Over ,
Aug 5, Aug 12, Aug 26, Aug 27, Oct 12, Oct 26, Feb 10, Feb 11, May 28, and the apparent numerous others which you haven't revealed in. Beat you ranking, promoting, tricking, even killed you in a few. So..what exactly have you proved? Acting hard because you beat me in a tournament? The game is variable, lots of factors, you cant win em all. This is a simple fact. Winning sometimes doesn't change the fact that you are wrong about a legitimate strategy anyone can use.
- Posted by Nemesis Prime
I have singled handedly cut the amount of free kills in half by inventing the sergeant trick. You’re all welcome. Sergeant tricking is drastically reducing free kills, prove me wrong. Numbers don't lie. If you don’t have some haters you’re doing something wrong ;).
- Posted by Nemesis Prime
Game Over ,
Not embarrassing at all? I’ll take a 132K Silver Cup any day of the week lmao. You had a good tournament, doesn’t change any of my points. Did you not just complain that I beat you by sergeant tricking numerous times in an earlier post? Lose/Win with dignity, I’ve beaten you plenty of times. Congrats and well played. Maybe “for the sake of the game” you can grow up and stop crying about a completely legitimate strategy. Who’s the sore loser? I complimented your wins.
- Posted by Nemesis Prime
Game Over ,
Guess Warmonger, Adam, Crusher, lefty, LVD, etc etc etc should all “grow a set" too, because just about every top tier tournament player has sergeant tricked numerous times because they all realized it’s a sound strategy to use based on the map/turnout you complete imbecile. You stay getting absolutely roasted by everyone. You think occasionally winning changes any points i've made? You're wrong and don't want to admit it, simple as that.
- Posted by Nemesis Prime