Posts for April 4, 2016
Could you please stop driving, mining, teleing away and driving behind obstacle every second.
If people are shooting you 1vs or even 2vs1 they are just trying to shoot for points. Not kill you. Seriously please give it some consideration.
ALso you should see about locating a super secret board to join. you would have to look it up. I can not say the name here.
- Posted by Galvatron
Great, another fool I get to deal with. This is gonna be good
- Posted by Ashrak2002
Is your recruit having a hard time repairing after a deactivation? Sing these privatery rhymes to help speed up the process!
Privatery rhyme #9:
Wee Willie Weeinie
Teles through the map,
Up and down,
In the middle of the night.
Rapping at the walls,
Crying in the map,
"Come get me!"
For it's now one o'clock.
- Posted by Miles Standish