Posts for April 4, 2014


#5125 reply report

Your slanderous lies will not fly here. The people shall the truth! Peace, Love, and hippie grease.

- Posted by ENDURANCE

#5126 reply report

I hereby issue a new challenge! The first 10 tanks to achieve the rank of General, and keep that rank while taking every onslaught head on with every ounce of your ability. That is not all you have to do all of this for a total of 3 months. So you would have to take every raid that comes your way at the rank of General for 3 months, and survive every single raid. You must post your progress on the TANKPIT Bulletin Board every few weeks, and must be a active player. All cheating will be barred from earning a chance to gain entry into The Hall Of Fame. Only the most prestigious tanks will be inducted. Take it, and conquer the challenge! Good Luck to all participants, and Gratz in advance to the winners. Peace, Love, and hippie grease

- Posted by ENDURANCE

#5127 reply report

ENDURANCE's TP Hall Of Fame.
To be inducted you have to complete one of my challenges. So be on the lookout for these challenges. Remember no cheating, and Good luck to all who participate. Peace, Love, and Hippie grease.

- Posted by ENDURANCE

#5128 reply report

Nice icons, i like the variety.

- Posted by Lassu Tanc