Posts for December 4, 2017


#15465 reply report


- Posted by where da FREAKS at

#15466 reply report

TULIP/GB Fudgepackers,
Why do you even bother typing my name ????????? You are trash and so is your motha. I once took a dump the size of your brain aka tiny you loser. Get rekt fat boy . The next time you want to mess with me maybe you should call judge judy and file a complaint. Rekt. I await your reply fat boy

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#15467 reply report

- Titanium -,
Yes, I can stop you. So easy

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#15468 reply report

- Neptunium -,
Its you thats job is triggering pipsqueaks like you into thinking you're doing something by responding even though the world knows you're terrible. You dont work from home, you live in your motha's basement so you do this in my spare time which you seem to have a lot of. You sound a bit on the salty side though. Too bad hahaha.

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#15469 reply report

Ultra Magnus,
Even if you don't acknowledge my dominance over you, doesn't mean its nonexistent. It just makes you ignorant to the truth of you not besting me ever.

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#15470 reply report

Negative interfacE,
Maybe you've beaten me in one thing....if you can get a rusty sword for bulletin board posts....not to worry however...there's an equal or greater amount of others saying you're terrible too. hahah

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#15471 reply report

blastoff banana,
How does it feel to have to reply to everyone's post because you don't like people tarnishing your already bad name? My name is better than yours will ever be. Hahaha

- Posted by Alkesh

#15472 reply report

It's you that make this too easy dude. It's like Usain Bolt competing in the special olympics against little timothy with two bum legs in a 200 meter dash. You lost before you even began to run. haha.

- Posted by Alkesh

#15473 reply report

Better than you

- Posted by Alkesh

#15474 reply report

You can pretend like your care cup is empty all you want, but you know the only reason you reply to being roasted is because your little feelings are getting crushed. Keep trolling and I'll do the same. Hahaha

- Posted by Alkesh