Posts for December 4, 2013


#4220 reply report

Who's Your Daddy?

- Posted by -xSiMpLiCiTyX-

#4206 reply report

Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.
Have a nice day.
- Posted by PURPLE KUSH
Don't know how to respond to that, except...... GOOOOOOOD ONE! And probably fitting! I apologize for sounding like a thug. I do respect 99.9% of tanks I oppose (Ashrak2002 is the .1% that I'm referring to), its just your play on that day toward me was DIS-RESPECTFUL (IMO). I have no idea what you were trying to accomplish. I just sat there and watched you drive circles around me, then I extra radar'd to see you've planted mines? lol Then you busted me with duals til I teleported and a homer followed? Again, Lol. Whatever man! I've learned my lesson......I will not log out and come onto this BB to whine anymore. And to everyone else: GROW UP......this is a game and EVERYONE gets DE-ACTIVATED (except Ashrak2002)!

- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#4207 reply report

Weekend nachos
I can understand why you would want to be a gen to get the rusty. I would do the same.... If i can at the time that is. I was just confused out of my mind. I didn't see any kills go up and within 20 min u were a gen! lol see you on the field. PS were you trying to keep me away from joining your orange raid, turning on me? Cause it worked :)

- Posted by SimplyElite

#4208 reply report

wennie boy
Honestly weenie boy i had no interest in shooting you at the time. I need a col not a major to rank up. However, that being said I truly don't remember shooting ya first. I shoot you plenty yes lol but not at that time. I was off screening your orange raid cause weekend nachos was not fond of me joining in at all and was all over me. However I wanted the gen or col's u were shooting at. Truly don't think i was going for you. that being said... I am fair game! It's all good! shoot me up lol. I am just glad I survived a decent clip of a raid

- Posted by SimplyElite

#4214 reply report

Sponge Bob,
You are the lame one crying about the game because there's too much fuel for a general to deactivate a corporal. Why don't you pick on someone your own size? They'd be more likely to fight back than run away and then you could have a fair battle.

- Posted by Truth

#4215 reply report

XxBLOODxX you quit low on me... why?

- Posted by goober

#4205 reply report

Do not fear I will play my tank, and take whatever onslaught comes my way. o7

- Posted by ENDURANCE

#4211 reply report

I love the raids! I am super busy with school so probably won't play much but come christmas break, I'll be there to get raided some more!

- Posted by goober

#4212 reply report

XxBLOODxX, I am so sorry for that long move during your raid, followed by a "My dog plays better than you!" message lol. I clicked fuel but somebody landed and blocked my path, it made me do a full lap of the screen and as I was driving I was trying to find the "My bad" message and hit the wrong one. :( Nice recovery because you managed to continue for a while longer, very impressive. I'm sure you would have emptied and continued to go if it wasn't for that long move. Again I am sorry.

- Posted by Flubber


#4209 reply report

Third Eye, everybody and their dog takes and gives free kills now days. Its apparently been socially accepted. There are no rules against it and I doubt there will be. I was offered a kill, I'm not going to turn it down. Keep your third eye open though, post about everything you feel is dishonorable. (Limited Edition)

- Posted by Krusty The Clown

#4218 reply report

Sponge Bob, Way to switch to MoRtaL EneMy and free kill XxBloodxX.
Officially on my list of dishonorable players.

- Posted by Third Eye


#4219 reply report

Terrible fill.. got caught super low after getting fuel jacked, died oh well. Good luck to Viper and Truth or Dare as they got my lt and serg fairly.

- Posted by goober