Posts for August 31, 2018
Yo. The only thing worse than being blind is having sight and no vision!
- Posted by Knowledge is Power
Dont listen to anything 2 down syndrome kids says. He is an actual loser idiot
- Posted by Ashrak2002
Parliaments are premium cigarettes
Old Grandad is a mans whiskey
Fun Fact: Tulip tries to feed kittens with his 3rd and 4th nips that are located on his unusually large forehead. He's the Tyra Banks of TP.
- Posted by OSPF ROUTING
Ok noob iv won Both my cups, any i won them by sheer luck, i complain because it not right, and why waste my time on a none known tank an cup it for ? USELESS CUP at that point just a cup to sit an Rot away on a tank ill never play. You all know i only Play those turny Trying for a Gold after i manage to get one you will not hear anything else from me on turny cus ill never play another one again.. Its simple for me get what i want an im out i dont have time to wast in every turny.
- Posted by Frinzee