Posts for July 31, 2020


#19358 reply report

Epic 7,
We respected your "brb" call in the game tonight even after you tagged one of our raids.
Then, you quit out.
Bad form to the Epic team name there tonight. If your leader has any pride, you all would have some words.
Nice work most of everyone else on the field!

- Posted by SACRIFICE

#19359 reply report

I have a couple of things to say to ADIDASmokE and Kaiju.
1st of all. ADIDASmokE. I'm in the exact same boat and love that this is around. I'm just disappointed seeing that the rankings go all the way back to 2012??? How did I not find it in my sporadic searches until now.
Now. Kaiju! What you said on the bulletin the other day about a general message about general things was beautiful. It moved me to tears!! hahaha
Glad to be here

- Posted by Bricks

#19361 reply report

Ayyy, good to see Kaiju/ENDURANCE rocking the field. Peace, love, and hippie grease.

- Posted by Your Secret Admirer

#19364 reply report

Battered Party Tonight after the tournament!

- Posted by JamesChen


#19362 reply report

Dear Fake China Chen: Nobody cares about your batty party and yo horrible General # at 200 hrs . Please Contact somebody who actually cares .

- Posted by GrowApairJAMESchen

#19363 reply report

One Hit Wonder, you're not very good.

- Posted by HorseFace