Posts for December 31, 2016
Pulitzer Parsley, We can't help our names. Our mother gave them to us. And, They bring a smile to everyone me meet :) Brothers in arms the "Illicit Duo" are on the loose! The TankPit military police have been close on our trail, but so far, we have eluded them, and they have not been able to apprehend us! NSA, CIA, FBI, Homeland Security. No one will catch us! Muuuuuhahahahahahaha!!!!
- Posted by Spank Tit
Colonel Starscream (blue). That's gotta hurt getting deactivated by a Recruit Red-9... Well take it easy, Major!
- Posted by redrover
GB Packers,
do you just make stuff up every day? I will keep running my mouth off and there is nothing that you will or even can do about it. I really would like to see you even attempt to do something about it. Thats what I thought, you cant
- Posted by Ashrak2002
Mad Ginger,
My cup is on my main tank, I don't have a need to ever enter another tournament. Tournaments aren't even as they were before a "4rum" and player communication existed outside of the Bulletin Boards. I don't seek male admiration. So keep hiding behind you anonymous names, your just a petty coward.
- Posted by - WhereDidVanGogh -
I hold no delusions of fighting your army, Megatron. But I will delay it's objective, by removing it's head!
- Posted by Optimus Prime