Posts for October 31, 2019


#18083 reply report

Hello TankPit,
I have a suggestion for improving the game experience. Within the "Game Settings" screen, within the 'Graphics' tab could incorporate a second drop-down menu that allows players to change the skin of their tanks the same way players can change sprites. For example, a lava skin selection along with the lava sprite selection. The skin is the light blue rectangular section of the screen that surrounds the controls and equipment. Thanks!

- Posted by NightStrikeGTR

#18084 reply report

I'll second that. Ady is terrible.
And why are distinguished vets attempting to help MamaChingChong? Dude is a troll with no respect.
Bluntz...did you feel that breeze as i flew by you on the leader board? ;)
Flip...congrats on the cup. Long overdue! How bout you come back in the map during the day?

- Posted by BendTheKnee


#18085 reply report

can someone point me in the right direction of like a how to play this best?
do i keep killing computers all day to level up?
does it eventually not give me enough points i need to only kill higher ranked players?
i have to run constantly from higher ranked players because i am so low level.
any advice would help.

- Posted by Captain Hook