Posts for January 31, 2022


#21534 reply report

This is not a complaint, just a genuine question... Im having a hard time understanding how its possible for when im taking a raid, how i can teleport, land somewhere completely alone and immediately click on a fuel barrel and here the game beep as it received my command, and yet several tanks will land beside me AND plant mines before my tank moves. I understand connection speed plays a role but am i missing anything else? thanks

- Posted by iBorg


#21532 reply report

Lord Farquaad, Clima
Count me in. Will there be dancing?

- Posted by Ricardo Milos

#21533 reply report

Mark Zuckerberg,
Oh yeah I've heard about you. In terms of castle, we will all come in Clima 's castle. It is well known that the best castle is Clima's castle. See you!

- Posted by Lord Farquaad

#21535 reply report

Mark Zuckerberg and Clima ,
I will bring the white tea and the ladies.

- Posted by Jordi El Nino Polla