Posts for September 30, 2019
Your post yesterday may be the single most moronic post in the history of this bb (which is quite a statement given the idiots that post here). It's no secret that I own the SCIMITAR THRUST tank. The fact that you're treating it like some accidental big revelation (sprinkled with your usual diarrhea of the mouth) says way more about your intelligence than mine. I'd tell you to go blow your brains out, but at this point it's a legitimate question as to whether you have any.
- Posted by DrawToTheWheel
I should've fĂșcked your mother. She deserves better offspring than the fĂșcking prize you turned out to be.
- Posted by DrawToTheWheel
Seriously... I think tanks should move smarter. If there's equipment and fuel adjacent on one square, my tank is not smart enough to grab the equipment AND the fuel at the same time...
Does anyone get a 3 to 5 second LAG when they click on the MAP? I am getting killed before I can run away...
How many times do you have to be deactivated before you get DQed from a tourney...?
- Posted by BabyXiangQi