Posts for August 30, 2015


#11084 reply report

Nice awards, sir =)

- Posted by Sigma

#11085 reply report

Auction for this tank is closing at 19:00 CDT (UTC -5:00) on August 31.

- Posted by sFear

#11086 reply report

Happy Birthday Titanium!

- Posted by - Silicon -

#11087 reply report

Happy Birthday Silicon!

- Posted by Ultra Magnus

#11088 reply report

Happy Birthday blastoff banana!

- Posted by - Neptunium -

#11089 reply report

Happy Birthday Ultra Magnus!

- Posted by - Titanium -

#11090 reply report

Happy Birthday Neptunium!

- Posted by blastoff banana

#11091 reply report

I took yall on three times in a row... you couldnt deactivate me. I deactivated myself when i accidentally pushed the one key twice. You had the audacity though to call whos your daddy?? And then died on the first go we had at you. You are garbage. Come get me anytime. You wont deactivate me again with out every red you can possibly find against little old me.

- Posted by -xJedi

#11092 reply report

I'm on a tablet why can't I pick up equipment ? Anyone help ?

- Posted by MC RailZ

#11095 reply report

shout out to : sean987

- Posted by Jarhead


#11093 reply report

Would you like to learn how to win a cup? =)

- Posted by Lightning Farron

#11094 reply report

A shout out to - Frenzy, CHEW DA WORLD, karina, USA NEEDS REFORM, and Supreme Commander for a very well played Castles tournament. You guys really put the pressure on me to bring my top game and I barely made it through with bronze by the skin of my teeth! Much respect for you all!

- Posted by Bayonetta