Posts for March 30, 2023
May I have your attention, please?
May I have your attention, please?
Will the real keyboard warriors please stand up?
I repeat, will the real keyboard please stand up?
We're gonna have a problem here because all of the keyboard warriors are already here!
- Posted by Keyboard Warriors
KoRn ,
Greg and I are cool. Why even bring him up? There is a reason why you don't see him or anyone else backing your dumb ass up on here. Keep reaching hard. So if one of your homies serg tricks and fails (has happen) you would say that's me too? You make so much logical sense...😏. Imagine thinking I'm the only one having the ability to serg trick. The fact that I'm the first person you think of is hilarious. Yikes.
- Posted by Globe Daddy
So your proof is that dude serg tricked but lost and that I happen to respond to your post about me? Yikes. Dude I never left discord so it's not hard for someone to notify me about your BB drama. Your baseless tinfoil claims about me are exactly that, baseless: having no basis or foundation in reality; unfounded. I'd rekt you hard in a tp courtroom. At least everyone can see how you formulate your irrational thoughts. You looking like a whole circus.
- Posted by Globe Daddy
noob observer,
It's cake sissy everyone. Aka @gundam barbatos, aka the fat greasy Canadian, aka the "1 cups the same as 1000 to me" guy in main discord. The "I give intentional free kills and was confirmed trolling you by sw" guy. I don't know what your point is loser. I've literally won a special every quarter I've been here except for my first. Have never bought one. I traded a dot for a lb tho. But won a lb this very last quarter so..... Yea nice try itscock
- Posted by artisan
All of this bickering is.....well...tankpit
Just because it reminds you of your childhood doesn't mean you have to act like it too.
Time to grow up ladies
- Posted by - Sun Spots -
Artisan the CRYBABY,
Super team full of noobs? Are you retarded Lefty? What 12 "noob players were even active in January"? Where did the mags and cols go? Logical conclusion would be that the Cides were some combination of those 2 teams, atleast the active players from them. Who oh btw, completely owned the bonds last year (whenever they played). Enjoy the bots while sitting Capt loser. Because I'll never shoot with your psychotic arse again.
- Posted by artisan
Artisan the CRYBABY,
Nah, you're way closer to ohw tier than me. All you ever do is play selfishly. To hell with everyone else when lefty plays. He's gonna play however he likes (which honestly is fine) in your own words you told Roland deschain people should play how they wanna play. Right after I ignored you mining me,you got your feelings hurt because daddy wouldn't pay you any attention. So you blew up at him and threatened to troll everyone session we have from here on out...
- Posted by artisan
Artisan the CRYBABY, you contradict yourself with even your own logic. I completely ignored you and left you alone while trying to run off a troll (ohw) who you've bashed multiple times in the past because of his play... Then you decide to color flip and protect him, and then accuse me of trying to piss you off during all of that which wasn't true. I targeted scourge of god so I could try to rank my cap to maj for when I killed ohw who was a cap... Everything's not all about you bud. But w/e
- Posted by artisan
KoRn ,
You're a horrible liar. Just like Ooze and iBorg weren't you too? smh. For someone that doesn't care, you have enough BB posts to make a book. Not many will read it but at least you'll have something ready to be publish after you digress and accept defeat. I'd name it "The Saga of the Crying NOOB named artisan: The manbaby STRIKES again!"..... lol. I like it.
- Posted by a hypocrite