Posts for December 30, 2013


#4436 reply report

It's okay gdaddypurp you'll get that gold eventually ;)

- Posted by Kitsunegari

#4434 reply report

Killer12 aka Ian right?
Yer bros name was corey and yer dads tank name was ICU2hehe right?

- Posted by Judge Constance Harm

#4430 reply report

Tournaments arent fun if other players have cups already and still play in tournaments it doesnt give anyone a chance to win cups?
- Posted by Mac1crtz
Couldn't agree more bud. I was wondering why knowone was ever commenting about that. I know friends who play who also express the same level of frustration outside of the BB

- Posted by SimplyElite

#4432 reply report

Are you saying that tournaments aren't fun because they're too challenging and competitive? Well, you don't have to play them, but personally I would find them boring if no good players participated. It might be easier to win but victory would be meaningless then!

- Posted by Truth


#4433 reply report

PSA to all players:
There are a good amount of new people that have joined the game. Please make their time playing tank pit an enjoyable one and do not bully them. If they rank up, please don't mob them unless someone actually needs the kill. I was in a blue mob today, and there was a freaking recruit that the rest of the mob decided to kill. I mean really?? Come on guys. I know a lot of us have had years (literally) playing this game, but show some respect for new people. Meaning, if you do deactivate them, tell them nice try and such, and give them pointers on here.
And new people: Don't get discouraged if you happen to die a lot and easily. This game takes time to learn, but one you get the hang of it, it will be very fun and addicting!

- Posted by goober

#4435 reply report

Judge Constance Harm crying for help cause he cant handle 4-5 tanks and quitting out on a raid. No wonder y'all are generals. Raid and kill everyone including ranks you dont need and stay gen, hide from raids by calling for help and radarring for each other.

- Posted by weekend nachos


#4431 reply report

Thank you for your commentary , Now I know. But to me it made me feel like a quitter or it was like quitting low or something like that. It contradicted the game etiquette as I knew it. But after a day or so to contemplate this I can see the reasons for this rule in tournaments. I think if this is what they are going to do to prevent cheating, or failure to qualify to cup than they should make it a tournament of elimination. You get deactivated and your are eliminated. Last man standing kind of tournament if you know what I mean. The last 3 or highest ranking will win in the allotted time frame. That would make it fairer and the winners undisputed, Or you could have a last man standing tournament once a month for all of the players with a cup to see who is the best players, that would be cool. Maybe even create a new award for these special tournaments.

- Posted by dinky