Posts for January 30, 2017


#13940 reply report

ba ba blah, ba ba blah, ba ba blah blah. blah blah blah, ba blah, blah ba blah ba. furdermor, hydrogen is a DOOSH

- Posted by bobby boucher

#13941 reply report

bud braboski
Radars have the lowest chance of being the equipment you find, however, the chances are only limited to the equipment you don't have, i.e. if you are maxed out on everything except Armor Shields and Dual Shot, you will have a 50/50 chance of getting either one of those from a box. However, Radar is still a lower drop % than the others. The answer is to max all your other equipment so that Radar will be 100% drop chance. To help this, never let your other inventory get super low.

- Posted by Hydrogen

#13942 reply report

Anyone who talks smack about Blueghost not fighting back clearly doesn't play too often

- Posted by J DUNBAR

#13943 reply report

You are a great team player, man. I was on quite a bit yesterday and saw you helping out on all the raids. Good stuff man.

- Posted by Shnutz16

#13944 reply report

Hi. I discovered this game more than 10 years ago. Now I find myself playing it again. Will someone please explain if team members communicate with external software, like ventrilo? Also, how are tournaments sanctioned, what are the goals and rewards? Thanks - Armand aka Happy Treads

- Posted by Happy Treads

#13945 reply report

Hi. I discovered this game more than 10 years ago. Now I find myself playing it again. Will someone please explain if team members communicate with external software, like ventrilo? Also, how are tournaments sanctioned, what are the goals and rewards? Thanks - Armand aka Happy Treads

- Posted by Happy Treads

#13946 reply report

If The Simpson's never raided again I'd be 110% satisfied with our accomplishments and the legacy I feel we made/left. For 3-4 years you had a chance to catch us on the field, idk word for word but maybe SR can recite his, "whats the point homer comes home and oranges mob." We saw dead map for months. There was/is absolutely nothing left to accomplish/desire as a team. Not surprising that the same people who try to trigger comebacks are in the same pack that never have decent things to say.

- Posted by Homer J Simpson

#13947 reply report

beastgod what time do you play? i want to learn from you. thank you. and my q for rad you do not understand. is there a way to know which power is in the equipt before i pick it up? i only want shields and rads and some double shots.

- Posted by bud braboski