Posts for August 3, 2015


#10906 reply report

triple star finally!!!

- Posted by tbone

#10907 reply report

Congrats on Rusty, Almighty Ashrak2002!

- Posted by Battlefield-2

#10908 reply report

Grats on rusty Ashrak. Any shout outs?

- Posted by lol


#10903 reply report

You can't replenish your duals (nor shields) because you start the tourney by fighting immediately instead of gathering a supply of extra radars. Notice how all the guys who win tourneys remain off the top-10 list (stay recruit) for the first 8 minutes? It's because they fill their radars to 50+ before fighting, and keep that number above 30 throughout the entire tourney, until the very end. I recommend: next time, fill to 60 of EVERYTHING at recruit, even it takes 12 min, THEN fight

- Posted by Sigma

#10904 reply report

Wetnose (continued)
In addition to what I previously mentioned, just understand that is just the beginning; there are many other details and tricks for optimizing your tourney game (how to harvest points efficiently, how to hunt for kills, how to manage equipment). To that end, there are more detailed guides on how to win tournaments on the Internet. An average user of search engines will quickly find a handful of quality tournament guides. Good luck =)

- Posted by Sigma

#10905 reply report

Wetnose, it's simple. When they run out they stop fighting and go fill up their equipment again. It seems you enter and don't fully fill up, you need to enter and fill to 60 of everything. Every time your shields or dual shots get low or hit 0, go fill them back up. You'll stand no chance of cupping if you play with out equipment, I believe I am the only player who has the skill to do that. I hope this helps, good luck!

- Posted by Limited Edition