Posts for April 3, 2016


#12911 reply report

Been needing to post in the BB section, hi i am a newbie as the section says.

- Posted by I Heart Jessica Alba

#12915 reply report

Is your recruit having a hard time repairing after a deactivation? Sing these privatery rhymes to help speed up the process!
Privatery rhyme #8:
Row, row, row your ferry,
Gently down the Nile.
If you see A-shrak,
Don't forget to scream.
Row, row, row your ferry,
Gently down the Nile.
If you see A-shrak,
Stick around and watch it disappear.

- Posted by Nighteyes


#12913 reply report

Genjamesle, if you cheated during the tournament, shame on you and all those who helped you. If you didn't cheat, congrats.

- Posted by supernova sage

#12914 reply report

I have no sympathy for those who cheat to win cups. If you don't have the skills to win, go and watch some annotated videos, read some tutorials, and work your butt off hardcore, to practice and earn the skills that are required to win cups. It took me 40+ tries to win my first cup fairly and honestly, but some players want to take the easy sleazy way out and negate the hard work of others by free-killing to major. Shame on KAYNE for giving free kills and shame on genjamesle for taking them

- Posted by INVICTUS