Posts for March 3, 2018
also, the enhancement I think they are still using around here has a setting for Auto Mine and Auto Radar. It also breaks to Map as soon as clicked not having to wait in turn. Of course they will call it lag.
Too Bad Defender of Truth has never been given for actual Truth around here. Traditionally only the people whom have submitted hacks... hint hint.
- Posted by getchya
did u ever realize that the game is from 97 and is only marketed to the ones who have played it back in the day? do u kno what appreciation is? maybe you should appreciate the fact that you even have the ability to play the game....its kind of sad u were bottom tier at best in bf, i would figure that you would learn how to be atleast mediocre tier this many years back. but it looks like you still have a mind of a child and cannot fathom how these guys do it without hackin
- Posted by King Bahamut
unjum that why go at it solo not like u puss tht only shows up at raids....hmm..i wonder who got the cleanest record therefore me not being the so called magic i deserve a medal of truth medal mr.head chief executive code runer of this game?..please preatty please im not in class no more breaking bullies by the day
- Posted by aHiToFMYmIgHtYbALLs
TULIP/GB Fudgepackers,
Are you even here ya loser? You are not going to disable your friday beatdown alerts because you enjoy harassing other people too much and getting it on with your motha! get rekd fatty!
- Posted by Ashrak2002
Man it was great playing against red tanks vs all colors trying to take over the red base. Reds had two legends playing getchya and redneck and 4 other killer red tanks MILLER, TheTank, and others (I was one of the bad guys) that fought therm in 'The Nile' for about an hour. Reds are the greatest when they work as a team. It was fun. Blues need to work together more! Can't wait to do it again. And there was like NO fuel for like 100
- Posted by Timmy
@getchya oh okay
I am going to try it. Just have been lazy in creating another account.
- Posted by Chicken