Posts for March 3, 2014


#4864 reply report

Congrats on getting your double star so fast! Don't listen to all the whiners; many of them are selfish kids who want an easy kill at someone else's expense. Once you are more experienced, taking raids can be quite a fun part of the game, but it is always optional, and newer players are certainly not expected to fight back. As you said, the smartest thing to do is run or quit from unfair battles.

- Posted by Truth

#4865 reply report

Real pros can deactivate opponents 1 on 1.

- Posted by Truth

#4870 reply report

O Henry -
Actually, only 2 are captain or higher... red and purple. The others are Serg and Leut. As for leaving, I only left when there were 4 or 5 guys on me. I'm pretty new to this game, too, (see my post from Mar. 2nd), so I didn't know people would cry just because I quit instead of dying. If you take this that seriously, you should probably take a break and go outside or something. Also, I got deactivated from Major to Captain on my purple tank today because I was trying to see if I could survive against a big raid the way I've seen some other players do it. Regardless of all that, who cares if someone q's? Some players I've attacked wouldn't even fight me when they were higher ranked. Lots of players q to avoid death. Get over it

- Posted by Automator

#4871 reply report

Sorry for quitting on ya blues today, client keeps freezing and crashing.. I sent in a report.

- Posted by Smaug

#4872 reply report

FYI Auto and Rust, I didn't quit low my the site keeps crashing on me, smh.

- Posted by OnE Sh0t OnE KiLL

#4873 reply report

Way to Q every time I get your health down going 1v1 and then log in under a different name and color to drop yourself fuel... you're a real pro. Lame

- Posted by Automator

#4874 reply report

It's my B-Day!

- Posted by ENDURANCE

#4875 reply report

As someone who just started you seem to have picked up the basics pretty fast, nice. As much as you could just switch teams all day, the idea of occasionally fighting off people even when you're outnumbered is that you'd be giving back kills you've taken from other players.
Btw, how'd you come across the game?

- Posted by RESILIENCE


#4866 reply report

Automator, please don't confuse the term "Smart" with "Coward." Protecting ranks and running from deaths is a sign of high estrogen.

- Posted by The Cold Testament


#4867 reply report

Web you suck!!!!!!!

- Posted by Snearboy

#4868 reply report

Congrats blastem! You got #7!! I hope you feel good about that, considering you quit low on me. Good to see someone who won a tournament and understands how to play honorably. I thought I would give you a chance, but you still play with such lack of integrity.

- Posted by Spaceman Spiff

#4869 reply report

It's great seeing such a large turnout for tournaments. Even the newbies had a good shot! Just remember, take your deaths honorably and don't quit low! And don't give away free kills either! A bunch of pixels saying someone got 1st 2nd or 3rd is nice, but the whole point of a tournament is to earn that place!

- Posted by Spaceman Spiff