Posts for December 3, 2023


#23594 reply report

lmao says the guy who doesn’t link his tanks. "I play the game my way, a multiplayer game that i choose to play alone" what a joke. How does it feel for someone to chase you when you get a chance to play? I'm sure you don’t do that to others i mean no way considering you don’t link your tanks and you insta quit when shot by another player. I’ll chase you every chance i get from here on out. I’m not the ball-less one who swaps to the same color to shoot bots. This isn’t kindergarten. Peace B4tch

- Posted by checkmate

#23595 reply report

Moose ,
Does playing "your" game the way you choose include giving out free kills in tournies on tanks like commander, orange-9, xDeath? Or sitting in map on troll tanks trolling anyone who wants to pph? Or locking up the ferries and depo fuel in the water to f up the map flow? I mean what's the point in you playing? All you do is kill bots, and very poorly tbh. What not try hopping on sudoku or scrabble? Probably a bit more your pace. Lmao 🤡 loser

- Posted by Antisocial


#23592 reply report

how many hrs do you have to play to be eligible for a tournament.

- Posted by spanky6

#23596 reply report

@MULTIPERSONALITY I control chen's tanks.. The Grim Reaper!

- Posted by Uyghur Killer


#23589 reply report

touching tooties
UGHHHHHHHH How much did you have? We were trading for a minute then you pulled off somehow.

- Posted by Aizen

#23590 reply report

Knights Elegy
I have never witnessed a bigger baby than you. You have the best fill in the game (got me by 4 minutes at least). Everything's great, we're fighting along, that red goon comes in, I map to him, you show up at the same time. I luckily got the kill. You proceed to whine and whine the entire tournament. Grow up d bag. I can't stand people like you.
Edit: Shocker, it's warmonger. Man, you're a total tool now. I used to respect the heck out of you.

- Posted by Crisis