Posts for December 3, 2013


#4185 reply report

The only reason I turned on you is because you did it to me 1st. Don't lie! About 3 or 4 of us Oranges were attacking a purple tank and YOU sat off screen trying to snipe me when I was low on fuel (all you did was eat my shields). I have much respect for you and if you notice, I don't attack you pre-emptive style like I do to most others. But hey, it's a game, so "COME GET ME!" alls fair in TankPit!

- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#4187 reply report

@Kill Shot
thanks for letting me dump some shots on ya for points. Was good couple of rounds there.
@ Lui Kang sorry i had to leave at the end there its tough to play when you got a family with a 4 week old. It was fun though. Have a good night all.

- Posted by BossBoY777

#4188 reply report

Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.
Have a nice day.

- Posted by PURPLE KUSH

#4192 reply report

Props to the purples, but mainly PURPLE KUSH for snagging an easy kill on me. Stole my fuel right from under me and dropped me with almost all of my armors. That was my fault for trying to avoid a loss of armors.

- Posted by Super Saiyan Vegito

#4193 reply report

Weenie Boy
Purple Kush is one of the best players that play the game right now. You should show him a bit more respect I know that you are new around here but please understand your place in the scheme of things. You are very new and young to the game. Purple Kush has done more than enough to prove his skills. You have not. Also I like you please keep up the good work.

- Posted by -xSiMpLiCiTyX-

#4194 reply report

Just adding to what I posted yesterday... it was only one or maybe two people that mined the fuel instead of shooting. Sorry to lump all the skilled purples into a dishonorable category. You guys owned it. I guess I got used to the gameplay from earlier this week with everybody using only duals no mining or homers and no chasing, it was pretty chill. Those raids got my heart racing!

- Posted by goober

#4197 reply report

Maybe you won't die 1v1 because you're scared to get low on fuel and use your shields. But can you kill him 1v1? I bet he would fight to the death if you had the guts to!
P.S. - Real players don't just shoot each other back and forth, they go for the kill. Homing shots and mines are a strategic part of the game.

- Posted by Truth

#4198 reply report

Great fighting out there this morning! A couple tips for you buddy: first you want to always stock pile equipment for everyone of those inventory items on the bottom right part of your screen. Also, when you are a sergeant, killing a corporal (orange-1, orange-2, red-1, red-2, purple-1, purple-2) will get you to the rank of lieutenant. If you have any questions ask some of the guys who have been playing for a long time and know their stuff, then this is the place to do so. Had a good time teaming up with ya.

- Posted by Skullcruncher

#4199 reply report

goober, Good job taking those raids from myself, satas little helper and judge. We only raided you because you called "Come get me". We can't speak for the other purple, if they pre-mined/long moved or what ever, sorry for that though. I wish they would follow suit and raid honorably like ourselves. Nice takes none the less. Keep up the good work man!

- Posted by Flubber


#4204 reply report

Sponge Bob and XxBLOODxX,
Two majors attacking and trying to kill a lieutenant? Not entirely sure what that's about. Back when I used to play Battlefield that was looked down upon. I get it if you're friends but wouldn't it be more beneficial to shoot each other rather than attempt to kill a rank you dont even need? Man where has the ethics in this game gone?

- Posted by Third Eye

#4189 reply report

1. I, WEENIE BOY, will be launching a full scale assault on December 25, 2013 (around 9pm EST) against all Reds, Blues, & Purples. The Operation will be known as DUALS IN YO FACE.
2. This mission has been cleared through higher command and is rated CLASSIFIED.
3. If you chose to participate, simply create a Tank with the name, "DUALS IN YO FACE ?" <---- the question mark can be 82, XI, or what ever you'd like (DO NOT USE "I" cause that's me).
4. Only 2 Rules you must obey at all times: #1 NEVER quit "Q" when low on fuel pending death. Death is HONORABLE & should be treated as such. That last shot could help a team mate out. And Rule #2 - the target is who ever I am shooting.
5. The following applications have been respectfully DENIED for participation in this Op: Sujo, Divine Retribution, ENDURANCE, Warrior, Viper202, Battlefield 1 & 2, Super Sayin Vegito, Incontinental Beaver, and Supreme Commander. These people MUST play their regular tank!

- Posted by DUALS IN YO FACE I

#4190 reply report

6. Remember, Operation DUALS IN YO FACE commences on December 25, 2013 (9pm EST). The target is who ever I'm shooting at. It would be wise to start your tank a day or two early to fill up on equip.

- Posted by DUALS IN YO FACE I

#4196 reply report

You have to wait 5 minutes to change color on your tank. Ranks and stats don't carry over from one color to another.

- Posted by Truth

#4202 reply report

I see you mark, free killing Limited Edition to general to check his number, then he dies to mines. Tsk Tsk. I guess no one plays with honor anymore.

- Posted by Third Eye


#4200 reply report

WEENIE BOY, I'm glad you enjoyed the show we put on by taking those orange raids over and over again. It was lots of fun! Just practice, practice, practice and you'll be surviving raids in no time!

- Posted by Flubber


#4191 reply report

Could you please move the Tournament time from 8am on Dec 25th to 8pm? Operation DUALS IN YO FACE will commence immediately at the end of this Tournament.
Thank You,

- Posted by WEENIE BOY