Posts for November 3, 2013


#3756 reply report

@ BreaK BaD.
Battlefield-0 is me. Thank you for your message, it means a lot. Just this one complement has made all those raid takes worth while. I am now playing as Flubber. I would like to also say to you nice takes! You always try, even when we had 7 purple's on your earlier today. You still shot and did as best as you could and that is all that anybody can ask of you. Keep it up man!

- Posted by Krusty The Clown

#3763 reply report

Liu Kang is my butterfly. his eyes have been able to pierce my soul and i have filled my heart with love for him. he is forever mine and i am faithfully his.

- Posted by Jay

#3764 reply report

@ Kung Lao
I used to play on the other battlefield from a couple years ago.. Things are def different now but still fun. Just trying to get the hang of it again see ya out there on the field.

- Posted by Smoke

#3758 reply report

Made Major in under 40 minutes. Purples, yesterday's raids were nothing short of a rampage.

- Posted by Lonely Hearts

#3759 reply report

Congrats on your Rusty man!
Sorry I couldn't be there. Hope to see you out there soon.

- Posted by Johnny Dangerously

#3761 reply report

I saw a screen shot from a player (proof of his kills and promotions) and it showed his tanks "promotion points". Can anyone tell me how I can see my promotion points? Or is this a feature that's been removed?
Thank You

- Posted by jwcoop

#3762 reply report

Nature Boy,
You were insufficient on an island and being attacked. Your shield could only buy you time. Quitting was the only way you avoided a death. If you were bored, you could have mashed "Come get me!" and ended it more quickly, but you shouldn't quit when death is otherwise unavoidable. In any case, all is forgiven.
See you on the field!

- Posted by Beard


#3757 reply report

Why cheat? Don't say you don't, because you do. You are the ONLY player I know that can 2-3x shoot me and lay mines before I can move. Sad thing is you have been at it for several years. Sad you can't play legit. IDK how others don't see it.

- Posted by BreaK BaD


#3760 reply report

HELLO EVERYONE! Man my BLOOD is pumping right now! Just played in my 1st tournament and I think I finished 17th (Lieutenant), but boy was it an AWESOME experience. Could someone please share some insight into the formula for winning. I think it would help if I had a friend or two to help take out someone, but I'm running solo. For the 1st 10 minutes though, I was in 1st place (I was fight'n corporal bots - hehe). But I soon found out that I was short on equip. So, can someone please share your thoughts?
Thank You,

- Posted by --ZOOGY-ZOOGY-ZORN--