Posts for September 29, 2024


#24328 reply report

BanBluntsTheCheater Everyone has seen through your facade since day 1 💯, you can't keep pretending your ego isn't bruised 🤡 when every second sentence is you talking about your "achievements" 😹 in a dead game
Stay humble instead of looking like a fraud on the BB everyday 😭

- Posted by Ego Check

#24329 reply report

BanBluntsTheCheater CryinInDeadTourney You absolutely picked apart every aspect of his inflated ego 🎯 but BanBluntsTheCheater lacks the IQ to have any self awareness 🤣 and will double down on his deflections to cope with his shortcomings 🪱🤭

- Posted by Ego Check

#24331 reply report

CryinInDeadTourney ,
Seems to be a case of mistaken identity. Simple solution post from a known/linked tank. My last post was jun 15. I don't think this guy has a brother but, my brother...was likely Red Hood not whoever was following you around. Yesterday is the first day I've touched the game in over a month. By all means you guys continue your sheet posting, bigger waste of time than playing the game. Just wanted to clear that up. If there's an occasion for me to post the tank is linked.

- Posted by Doc Holiday