Posts for June 29, 2016
rreah- That was a good battle bro, but unfourntely I took your blue sergeant to the grave.
Ashrak2002- thank you for fighting me on the field. I now have my Captain!
Seeking teammates. If interested let me know and we will get you added to the roster!
- Posted by Bunker Hill
From The Desk of WEENIE Inc:
#1 Create a 50, 1000, & 2000hr sword. A WC to the player who names them & a PH to the pixel creator.
#2 Convert the practice map into a new map. Also, a PH contest for this new map.
#3 Eliminate tourney calendar and just have a TP Calendar. Announce: tourneys, double pts day(s), colorless/teamless day (no colors, every tank is BLACK), bots indestructible day (bots shoot duals & can rank as high as they can), etc...
#4 Allow ferrys to be drag/drop.
- Posted by WEENIE Inc
#5 Have a kill KAYNE & ASHRAK day! :)
#6 Account/details: display the tanks current equip inventory & milestone achievement dates (stars, swords, specials, etc...)
#7 Convert missile's to SCUD's. Drastically reduce/limit the amount of SCUD's a tank can have but allow these SCUD's to 10x the damage a dually does.
#8 MARKETING PLAN....NEED NEW PLAYERS. Totally subjective here but Award a SILVER DOT to the player(s) responsible for bringing in fresh blood.
- Posted by WEENIE Inc