Posts for March 29, 2023


#22658 reply report

You sure about that? Same guy i beat with my troll tank Serg Trick Ponies while you serg tricked that tourny and still got outplayed by me? Then Warmonger roasted your sorry tail in main discord for getting beat by a dude bashing serg tricking? And Globe daddy just lurks around the bb every day to see if someone mentions him so he can be ready to respond?? lol ok Clown Daddy

- Posted by artisan

#22660 reply report

I didn't start anything. My "rap verse" was literally paying homage to eminem. Wasn't salty about anything.

- Posted by artisan

#22661 reply report

Clam ,
More like “clam” down, am I right?…

- Posted by William Bonney

#22663 reply report

KoRn You've made some serious allegations regarding SunWolf selling special awards. Do you have any proof to back that up, or is this cope for not receiving any yet again?
Perhaps you're salty that you aren't so deserving so you assume they are all paid for... but didn't you actually buy yours from someone else?
Hopefully SW clarifies and puts you in your place for making unfounded accusations.
Flawless Victory do you have anything to say in defence of your close friend artisan?

- Posted by noob observer


#22659 reply report

a hypocrite,
Absolutely not. I reveal all my cups. Check my profile. And i don't serg trick unless its deepsix with super low turn out. Otherwise it makes no sense.

- Posted by artisan