Posts for December 29, 2015
Um thanx -Amnesty-. Im actually Anonymous, Midnight l and I played alot as kribester back in the day so I know a good bit about the intended experience, but I have read somewhere that SW would like for the game to be available to multiple platforms which was why he chose html5 to code the game in if I'm not mistaken. I just figured some feedback on the andoid/Touchscreen side of things could be useful as people may choose to play many different ways as needs change. Cya on the field
- Posted by MiddyIsBack
This reset thing is really a bad idea! I get that people that play the game constantly have probably reached every goal that the game offers and want to start over, but some of us actually have lives and responsibilities, and only play when we can get the time, and therefore, it takes us much longer to get our awards and reach our goals. I don't think we all should be penalized just because a few people want to start over.
- Posted by ProtestTheReset
I used to play on bonus and playbattlefield. I found out that it was back online here at tankpit in April 2015. Since then I have worked up like eight tanks to General, the rest are mostly Colonels and Majors. I have several tanks that are about to shiny and about get the gold tank award. And, you are telling me that I'm going to lose all of the hard work I've put into building up my tanks over the last eight months?
- Posted by ProtestTheReset
If this game is going to be reset every year, or even every two or three years, it's not going to be worth playing. This website already doesn't attract anywhere near as many players as bonus did. But, if you want to drive people away from the game instead attract them, this is a great way to do it. Bonus never reset anything for like a decade, why? BECAUSE THERE IS NO GOOD REASON TO DO SO! PLEASE DON'T DO IT!
- Posted by ProtestTheReset
Any other players that feel the same way that I do, please voice your protest here on the bulletin board, and by the contact email! We have got to stop this from happening! Thanks.
- Posted by ProtestTheReset
Hey 123456789,
It was a blast fighting next to you. We make a good team. Hope to see you in the pit again sometime. ;)
- Posted by Hammer Of God