Posts for December 29, 2013


#4429 reply report

Operation DUALS IN YO FACE is in the rear view mirror! I got the NEED FO SPEED and planning my next Campaign.......more to come......

- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#4423 reply report

I'm not sure why Goldeneyez gave me a free kill haha... I think that he was just thirsty for his triple stars and wanted me to be col to help him raid? Oh well.

- Posted by goober

#4422 reply report

i got deactivated twice last night because i was blacked out...i died with full armour shields both times...ill seeya out there....hopefully when im sober

- Posted by KoBe Bryant

#4424 reply report

Dang man, I hate playing at my parents house (home for the holidays). The worst time to lag 2v1 with my shields not turning on... gj on getting the kill though, I was just hoping to stay gen for longer than 2 hours, and hoping to die to more than just 2 people pphing.... hahah full shields and everything I am the worst.

- Posted by goober

#4426 reply report

Tournaments arent fun if other players have cups already and still play in tournaments it doesnt give anyone a chance to win cups?

- Posted by Mac1crtz

#4420 reply report

sup fellas!

- Posted by - ImPeRiaL - I -

#4421 reply report

firt of who are you?
I didnt plan on dyeing once let alone twice. sorry it made someone pass you. I figgured i has as chance to cup if in came back and leveled up once, since i was fourth when I went down. Actually speaking of, I would of probably cuped if I didn't die the first time. Dyeing once helped you :). quitting is also not in my blood. I didn't come back in to dye thats for sure

- Posted by SimplyElite


#4419 reply report

I hear your pain bud. The rule was designed to help prohibit people from giving away kills in tournaments and I can see how it bother you to get booted out of the tourney. Another reason behind it is that if you die once you still have a chance to cup but two deaths is near impossible to come back from. My advice is to just keep trying them and do your best to not get in the middle of those huge battles.
Good luck to you in the future!

- Posted by cdub

#4428 reply report

Couldn't make today's Tourney, hope it was FUN & CLEAN.

- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#4427 reply report

3rd silver cup sigh D:

- Posted by Incontinent Beaver