Posts for November 29, 2013


#4142 reply report

goober sounds SALTY. This is a war game, the whole point is to annoy your enemies. Looks like mark got your goat good!

- Posted by NewbieAlert

#4143 reply report


- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#4144 reply report

Survived a raid for the 1st time tonight !
Party Included SSJ Vegito and USA NEEDS REFORM.
Also took as col before that and gave Major Pain his his triple.
I emptied armor and shields only had like 10 shields left cause i picked up a few eq on the way.
fired 2 shots + about 8/10 screens maybe more.
My best take yet.
Good job, see you on field.

- Posted by Liu Kang

#4145 reply report

I know me and weekend nachos are in 170 range.
I wana get a good screeny, ja feelz me lol ?

Also, things might get heated in arguments, but not hard feelings towards any one. you know how men can be when it comes to competition lol.

- Posted by Liu Kang

#4146 reply report

This coming from a loser that marathons all over the place all the time. Your a bum try again. I stay at lower ranks cause I can that's how people have played since forever don't like it quit, and besides the ONLY reason your complaining ONLY!! is because I decided to die down and didn't give a kill to you. So lets complain about what we are really mad at? Don't create some lame story when your mad cause I didn't help you.
O and your welcome for the free cap I gave you when I was dieing down so you could get to col. You didn't put that in there did you!!
How dare mark obnoxiously help you rank up the nerve of that guy!! Not to mention him finding a serg to kill just to get a cap for you to kill. Man mark is such a Butt hole......
Lol yeah its ruined bro just delete the tank :P Congrats on winning my cup
@To everyone
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving I know I over ate haha!!!
Happy Holidays
Cya in game Go Panthers!!!

- Posted by mark

#4147 reply report

Happy Day after Thanksgiving and to all I WILL KILL YOU. On the field of BF!!

- Posted by Snearboy

#4148 reply report

I apparently have quite the fan club lol!

- Posted by Judge Constance Harm

#4149 reply report

No inappropriate language or personal contact information is allowed in tank names. Players who create inappropriate tank names will lose their ability to create new tanks.

- Posted by Battlefield-2

#4150 reply report

I had an important phone call during a 2v5 and I was being shot by two people (Warrior and weekendnachos). Quitting with half your fuel (yes I looked dark) and FULL armors with plenty of fuel around was not me quitting low. Sorry if you felt that way I'm not like that at all. I'll take a raid and die no problem. I went from Gen to Lt in one day of taking raids so I would never quit low.
Also weekend nachos I feel like the weirdest stuff happens when we play. I lag, you lag. You die on a 3v1 and I was shooting as a corp just to be annoying...

- Posted by goober

#4151 reply report

I really despise bots...

- Posted by weekend nachos

#4152 reply report

25 days til Santa coming to town and then I WILL UN-LEASH my DUALS IN YO FACE CAMPAIGN to all non-orange tanks!!
P.S. I would really appreciate it if Limited Edition, -Boa Constructor-, -Michonne-, Sponge Bob, Tangent, -Titanium-, Taliban Killah, and Nachos, would take part in this campaign too (sorry, too many to name). And NO COLOR switch'n too!! I look forward to dropping the axe on ENDURANCE, Warrior, Divine Intervention, Sujo, & Battlefield-2 (I scratched Skullcruncher off the list, got em already).

- Posted by WEENIE BOY