Posts for June 28, 2016
Yeah my only goal is to win a cup. I read your guide and watched your videos which were awesome. In this last tourny I wasnt ready for the EQ shortage: took me 24 min on 1st fill. Gave up on pph and joined the mob for kills. Was dead last in pph, didn't stick with the mob well, and was only present for 1 kill. I shoulda ran to a ferry at the start, need to pph while I fill, position in mobs better, watch dry parts on the map, plan out my start, and practice more. Maybe then I can place.
- Posted by QualityQuandries
Side note: your name is considered inappropriate content on the bulletin board.... Took me like an hour of continuously editing my comment to figure that one out
- Posted by QualityQuandries
Hey Guys,
Old player from Bonus here. Searched this game just for fun to see that it still exist. I never see more than 3 or 4 people on though. Is there a prime time to play or a way we can generate more interest in the game?
- Posted by MrTryme