Posts for March 28, 2016
Is your recruit having a hard time repairing after a deactivation? Sing these privatery rhymes to help speed up the process!
Privatery rhyme #5:
Baa, baa, blue tank,
Have you any duals?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three rounds full;
One for the general,
And one for the captain,
And one for the little recruit
Who lives down the base
- Posted by Nighteyes
Alodia Gosiengfiao,
Maybe if you wouldn't have hit 3rd shade with 5+ on your screen you wouldnt have had to deal with the mob and would have cupped. To criticize the mob for turning on the guy that is burning shields (and yes, you were a couple of times) and continuing to do so is ridiculous. It's as if you think pph gets you a free pass to not be targeted. As if it's some great acheivement that indicates you're unkillable. Getting that low in that position is your fault. Deal with it.
- Posted by Boaty McBoatface