Posts for February 28, 2018
that is hilarious, biggest cheater in the game? How could that be getting it near last? Wow, I have never lied about anything. I have some good friends on here that still come back time to time that are well respected that i'm sure would vouch for anything I've said. Either way if you didn't have it you were nothing less than a nub then. The vast major did and it didn't come from me. Every top player for sure did and I can name them all.
- Posted by getchya
Site stats are 20 people on average a day and I'm positive that's due to torny's only. Wooo, before you all got on your speed hack trip the idea was to make the game more fun to bring back players by having a rivalry of some sort. If someone is willing to help pay for another map and or server wth? The site is valued at $136 bucks so no one would pay to advertise on it. The way it is su$%* with no one playing ever. You don't have to ask me to not play lol, it's no fun as is!
- Posted by getchya
Getchya, you are the only one talking. Can you please shut up? you are boring. No one cares what you are crying about every dang day.
- Posted by Maldezz
@Timmy and Bawa,
I don't even know you two. Which means you don't know me. Seriously learn to follow a conversation. I would like the game to be better, more fun, more people. I will say it again, I don't want anything everyone else doesn't have! I never have! I didn't make the fricken cheat software, it was sold to me. I really didn't know anyone else that didn't have it by the time I got it so you look stupid here saying otherwise. You obviously are not in the know.
- Posted by getchya
my opinion x3 is being used right now.. you'd notice x5 so I don't think anyone is on that here but if it's not ping related as TP claims, it's x3...
For those of you not familiar with the difference x3 was used by the secret society in the early years of bonus and BF. Hard to notice unless you know the game well. Allstar, all the legends of the game were on that and none of us knew until x5 got out to everyone. We just thought they were great lol..
- Posted by getchya