Posts for February 28, 2015
@ The Revelation
You and your kind are all low down hackers. TP will be like a clean roll of 2-ply Charmin Ultra once we're rid of scum like you!
Thank you for your diligence sir. Be sure to alert our officers of any foul play from the likes of these clowns (like The Haxxxlation here above)!
- Posted by TP Police
Just curious why my game says September instead of February? Any other fellow gamers have this problem? Original battlefield player from 15 years ago glad to fine it again!
- Posted by Joz
Grow some balls man.. I was playing on a random tank just for fun. I was only corporal and you were all around trying to stole my bot kills and deactivated me as soon as I was low. Cmon man.. That's the kind of attitude that discourage new player in investing time in the game.. Soon as I hit sergent and start shooting at you you were running like a chicken with no head..Fight against people of your rank or that can at leat rank you up..
- Posted by csst
wow... best finish thus far #9!!! Tons of deaths right at the end. FK's or not, massive killing spree.
- Posted by TraditionalArcher
Godiva is indeed the silver brand name for gourmet chocolates =) Good job, Kyle, on gold!
- Posted by Godiva Chocolatier
Congrats to the winners! Could not find dual shots the last 5 min, it keep on givin me extra radars? THis normal or a bug? Painful way to finish!
- Posted by Rockefeller