Posts for December 28, 2016


#13742 reply report

I could care less about my rusty sword number. I got one, thats all that matters

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#13743 reply report

celestial cilantro,
Na, Im not gonna fall for that one. No one is on my side and I could care less

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#13747 reply report

Come get me!

- Posted by Autistic Ashrak

#13749 reply report

Pulitzer Parsley, Interim E-i-C, the early favorite
With the ouster of parsec parsley, a new E-i-C must be elected. Within the next 24 hours, any and all who wish to run against Pulitzer Parsley should submit their names in writing to the TankPit Times Bulletin Board.
A short biography of all candidates will be run on the 30th of December, with voting to begin shortly after.
Pulitzer Parsley, the odds-on favorite to win, reports.

- Posted by Pulitzer Parsley


#13741 reply report

Mad Ginger,
Requirements to speak to me
1.Level from Newbies section

- Posted by PoP Dis OPP

#13744 reply report

Fat tyler got rekt is fat AF. So fat bruh...need to hit up a gym bruh

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#13745 reply report

GB Packers, I just copied what you first sent my way. By saying what I said makes no sense, you are saying what you say makes no sense. That would also mean that you are stupid in addition to being fat

- Posted by Ashrak2002


#13746 reply report

Tough luck in last night's tournament! For the first 5 minutes, it appeared you were on your way to certain victory!
If I may offer a bit of advice, you should try filling your equipment as soon as you enter the tournament, as equipment is essential to battles (Well, all equipment other than Missile Shots. Don't get your knickers in a bunch if you don't have any of those!)
Wishing you a happy holiday, Comander!

- Posted by Pulitzer Parsley