Posts for December 28, 2013


#4418 reply report

anyone having issues not having any sound in the game for the last week like me?

- Posted by SimplyElite

#4405 reply report

omgawd, its wartortle! you purple noob you. My dad and I were just talkin about Iceland and you came up as one of the guys that took over the top 3 after I started snakes. lol my lord its been so long, I was like 9....
Bring it!

- Posted by KILLER12

#4414 reply report

Herbert rock!

- Posted by the60s

#4415 reply report

Gpldeneyez gave goober a fee kill to get to colenol. what a noob, people like you spoil this game

- Posted by Jonnie

#4416 reply report

@ DirtyLaundry
Yes I was. GG has not talked back so not sure if it is him. Not sure who you are. I am guessing you are SB.

- Posted by Snearboy

#4417 reply report

Judge Constance Harm: You raid me with 6 tanks and were the one to deactivate me to get to general. The thing is every single time you are attacked by more than 2 tanks, you say "Be right Back" acting like you need equipment, then you sign off the game 15 mins later. - Titanium - took a huge raid which you were apart of and after he got deactivated the raid turned on you. Your response was to sign off immediately. Figure it out.

- Posted by KoBe Bryant

#4404 reply report

Whats the matter mark? You don't like it when you are raiding and are getting shot by someone just to bug you? What goes around comes around. You make a career of pestering teams that are raiding so be smart enough to not click lame and my dog plays better than you when you get about five shots in return for your hundreds of noobie shots given. I speak boldly for alot of players, you are the most anoying player on the game. Sorry but gain respect by not pestering people and than not crying when you get the same treatment you give. see you on the field.

- Posted by SimplyElite

#4409 reply report

Judge Constance Harm:
I am the raid survivor!!!!!!!!
Do not judge me!!!!!

- Posted by Mac1crtz

#4411 reply report

Sorry orange tanks and divine and reform when I saw I was at 3 radars I knew I had to fill. It was a great fight from all sides. Apologies if anybody got ill about me filling, did I not earn it?

- Posted by Herbert Powell

#4413 reply report

Long time no see man, good to see you still play once in a while, even if it isn't as often as you used to play. Would be fun to fight along side you one more time, hopefully we'll cross paths soon

- Posted by - ImPeRiaL - IV -


#4406 reply report

tourneys are useless anymore....if they ever were. The free killing goes on so much its ridiculous! The best thing that could be done for this game would be to find a way to eliminate free kills. But I don't think the admins really want to do that either ;) Oh well. Its back to guest tanks. See you on the battlefield. Just ranting!

- Posted by MultiColoredGuest

#4407 reply report

Alpha Swarm,
Thank you for saving my butt during the Crazy Maze tournament. I was being mobbed as I was insuf and you leaving me the 100 fuel was just enough for me to tele to more fuel. I had about 7 armors lefts and I really didn't think anyone would come when I said Help Fuel Low. I guess me not dying would better your chances! But still, very awesome of you dude. I'll be sure to repay the favor somehow ;)

- Posted by Dr Nick Riviera

#4408 reply report

I was eliminated from the tournament for having like 20 players shooting at me, I didn't have a chance with that many players targeting me. I wasn't aware that if you get deactivated a couple of times by a hoard of players you were eliminated. This is a game and in my opinion getting booted out for getting deactivated was very unsportsmanlike on the programmers part. In a tournament this can happen. I am really offended. I was looking forward to playing, and doing my best. I don’t know what kind of warped moralities you people have but this is a war game and guess what getting deactivated in the game is part of the game. I was out numbered but giving up and leaving should have been my decision and I should have had the freedom to make that choice. I was not cheating or doing anything wrong so what’s the issue with you people. I’m the one that was cheated, cheated out of the chance to do my best.
Perfect example of control out of control.

- Posted by dinky

#4412 reply report

Well played Goldeneyez... you almost had it

- Posted by RESILIENCE

#4410 reply report

just to learn some tourney etiquette, dying twice in a tournament is not really acceptable. Dying once is no big deal but coming in and dying again is not really a good look. Not to mention you dying twice prevented me from getting a bronze cup. Either way it's been fun teaming with you on the field though! Good luck in future tournaments.

- Posted by SimplyMagnificent