Posts for November 28, 2015
Sorry but you are sounding like a jerk. Not that I even care to be honest with you. You actually havent even previously written anything to me on here unless of course you were a pansy and wrote to me under another account. But thats ok actually. Hahaha. I dont have to make anyone look bad cupcake. They do a good enough job of that themselves. I will attack you, nothing you can do about that. Hahaha!!! I will talk to you and be near you in the game just to make you mad. LOL
- Posted by Ashrak2002
I was wondering if I could get an orange Teammate or anybody (any color) to help me go to the very bottom left of the Desert map and break down that little fortress of obstacles???? I'm going around frantically looking for fuel and equipment trying to survive but the entire map is exhausted of resources because someone thinks it's real funny to make this extremely excessive in size... base with obstacles. It's currently housing 25-30+ equipment we need... WAYYY more in fuel. Somebody let me know
- Posted by ArChAnGeL
I just want somebody to help me scatter those stupid obstacles AWWWWAAAAAAAYYYYYYY from that corner.. quite frankly is beginning to become very annoying. I actually spent over an hour tearing that apart one day and pulled some obstacles about 3 screens away. I come back on the next day and it's ALLLL back together. The only person I see wasting time doing that is "taf" that blue general. Sits around making bases all day. Make bases for your team... but that's just too much.
- Posted by ArChAnGeL
seriously retarded how the map closes when you click a little too far and it says "insufficient fuel" and you have to take 2-3 more rounds of shots from everyone.
- Posted by Zoopid
When someone gets deactivated after taking a raid, it is common courtesy in this game to let them fill their equipment before you attack them again. Cheers, and all the best!
- Posted by Hugo Simpson
The Worm,
Thank you so much for helping out man! I really appreciate it! Orange, we were having some good battles today! I wish I could have more equipment :/ I dot have the amount y'all got! Lets keep it up!
- Posted by NorsePounder
Blood thirst,
I know you badly want that col kill. But just so you know, it is common courtesy to let someone fill after he just die to a raid.
Next time please at least give me a few min and I might consider taking again.
- Posted by Rhinox