Posts for January 28, 2014


#4655 reply report

Bro I know haha that entire left corner of the map was incredibly dry! I could tell you were super low and catching some heat. I had to move about 8 screens down several times to get even the smallest hint of fuel. Nice playing with ya though. Don't see ya around much.

- Posted by P1ckN1ck5

#4656 reply report

Well, I wanted to say: "Hey purple teammates, let's get together for a coordinated attack on the upper left hand corner red base that the major and captain are hiding in. There's no fuel on the entire left side of the map. We have to all commit because otherwise if we will die one-by-one."
But due to the message limitations I could only say: "base is here". The "Help-Enemy" message actually takes too long to find.
But seriously anyone actually give me any credit for coordinating raids with randoms? I mean, I'm raiding with multi-colors here. I don't even have a team! I'm going in with the potential to get back-stabbed all the time.

- Posted by MZ

#4657 reply report

King cobra
I was very much wondering where u went!

- Posted by SimplyElite