Posts for June 27, 2023


#23148 reply report

You are a good guy
Don't go, stay with us :)

- Posted by Fleur du Mal

#23149 reply report

KoRn Next raid?

- Posted by T-Rex

#23150 reply report

Stipe Miocic Voting for the next map rotation to be Rocks And Swamp

- Posted by T-Rex


#23147 reply report

Lmao woah don’t get your little panties in a wad. Did you still cup? Yes you did. Take your little bronze participation trophy and move on, beat off to it every time you see captain crunch at the store for all I care and take a chill pill. If you sat serg till around the 30 min mark then yes you did trick. Idgaf if people serg trick, to each their own. Whichever narrative works for you bud. Enjoy rage responding there guy have a great one.

- Posted by Ras al Ghul