Posts for June 27, 2015


#10700 reply report

Don't worry some people are bandwagon fans..

- Posted by CHEW DA JEW

#10701 reply report

@Simply Elite
Pleasure playing with you man, just got back into this game after a few friends and I reminisced and it's been a while since i've played! Hope I'm taking raids respectably.

- Posted by NickeeGee

#10703 reply report

Never seen anyone run so hard from a 3v1. Never even returned fire. Chalk up another quality take from ashcrack

- Posted by uNRiVaLeD-

#10704 reply report

Ashrak, I dont think you'd ever have the ability to father anyone since you've shown no manhood whatsoever in an online game. You're my son, accept the facts. Shame you got outwitted so easily and couldnt mash that dorito-and-sweat encrusted Q button fast enough.

- Posted by weekend nachos


#10702 reply report

You might have deactivated me a while back but I can tell you that will never happen again. But you are free to try

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#10705 reply report

I have also deactivated this self proclaimed fast player named Ashrak2002. Best part was it was just a 2v1....idolize--BLUNTZ remembers it, as he was helping me.

- Posted by - Titanium -