Posts for March 27, 2016


#12864 reply report

my dear brethren! this evening our mighty and indispensable Supreme Commander once again led us in the direction of triumph with the assurance of a sleepwalker. entering the map after a lengthy hiatus, he was immediately able to unite all "true blue" forces under his umbrella and began striking the "space fairies" with decisive and demonstrative action and under his command, in no more than 9 minutes all provocative maneuvers performed by enemy factions were extinguished, all tanks liquidated.

- Posted by Blue Headquarters


#12867 reply report

Is your recruit having a hard time repairing after a deactivation? Sing these privatery rhymes to help speed up the process!
Privatery rhyme #4:
I'm a little tank
Short and stout
Here is my turret
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up
I just shout
raid me over and deactivate me out
I am a very special tank
It is true
Here is an example of what I can do
I can turn my turret into a spout
raid me over and deactivate me out

- Posted by Nighteyes


#12863 reply report

god forbid i should hit 3rd shade while pph'ing and everyone starts getting hard over me. good job trying to mob the guy who has 80k+ points on his LT and 80+ shields. bunch of dimwits lol. maybe if you stuck at deep view, the count, or sharpy, you would have cupped. GG lunar, matt, and jebrediah

- Posted by Alodia Gosiengfiao

#12866 reply report

good point I might try this next time thanks

- Posted by Blaster