Posts for November 27, 2015
Ashrak I don't mean to sound like a jerk but I'm completely done talking to you. it's hard to communicate when you want to mock me and retaliate by copying things i say in an attempt to make me look bad. I'm done trying to communicate with you in any way... nor will i ever deal with you on the field. if you attack me while i'm being raided... i will leave the game. i'm tired of people like you taking joy in ruining the fun. goodbye and don't talk to me or be near me in the game....
- Posted by WoLvErInE
Has anyone else noticed that the exp bar seems a bit off? It fills up to max then drops back to none whenever you click on it and refills again as you gain points... just wondering if this is only me.
- Posted by Popsicle
Welcome aboard I can't play but I can still post from my phone. Gotega raw and one of my favorite transformations.
- Posted by Goku
@ the other "Goku" with 1 star
Please change your name as I am already Goku and we are on the Orange team not blue.
- Posted by Goku