Posts for January 27, 2023


#22482 reply report

Cydonia if you ever want to come back to discord and pm me my handle is Brandon2719. Gratz on the cup for Taltos. I have a few tanks of (non red) colors. I wouldn't mind grinding points with you on Taltos if you ever wanna hit me up. Cya around

- Posted by artisan

#22483 reply report

Roy Donk the reason the bots are low is because someone came in and shot them all low and left. Some guys would rather not get tank awards, or some would rather stay at bronze or silver. So when map is dead, and they wanna get points, they just shoot the bots low and usually leave if no one else worth shooting doesn't log on.

- Posted by artisan

#22484 reply report

Roy Donk when there is no-one in and you don't want to get more kill counts for the award set you currently have but still want points you shoot bots till they teleport and then leave when there is none left.
Its an easy 20-70k points you can get if the bots are pretty full of fuel when ya start.

- Posted by Dwight

#22485 reply report

Roy Donk ,
People PPH-ing who don't want to get a bronze tank

- Posted by God

#22486 reply report

Roy Donk
It's people not wanting tank awards, or a certain tank award. So they'll lower all the bots, then leave, because they don't want their tank to get kills. A lot then come in with a throw away tank and clean up the bots, then keep playing. So you'll see someone ranked extremely low for 500 kills with a gold tank, and someone ranked high with a sword and no tank

- Posted by Math Magician

#22487 reply report

Thanks guys.
Took another 90 minutes last night to fix the base, got 19 bots into a pen, and made some videos.
Should be ready to drop in a few days. Unfortunately there is a glitch where the bots just respawn into the same spot OVER & OVER, so I can't get all 27 non oranges into the pen...

- Posted by Math Magician

#22488 reply report

Math Magician
Good job mining the practice field. Hope your TikTok video turns out well.

- Posted by Dragonite