Posts for July 26, 2015
Tried getting my friend into tankpit this weekend, so went round his and got him to set up an acc.
idolize -- BLUNTZ + other purples came and smashed him down twice as recruit with no equipment as I was telling him the basics. He quit tankpit... I came in after took a raid to show him whats what. Still no interest now. People shouldn't be doing this to new players or they will just quit.
- Posted by Kamek
Don't be afraid of dying
You learn nothing from being a coward, you have to push yourself and learn the limits within the game to become a better player. The only way you find these limits are by getting low while fighting, taking raids, and dying.
- Posted by oxy
milph hunter, nice quit low on me.
Plus1, you're lucky. I stopped shooting 'I Like J Cole Do You'so I could shoot duals at him instead of homers but he didn't move again. GJ on the kill, it's a shame I didn't get it and take gold.
- Posted by D6 Edition