Posts for November 26, 2013


#4113 reply report

Keep fighting hard out there and never back down from any raid. You will quickly be recognized and deemed an honorable player. I, along with many other veterans enjoy seeing you all on the field. Best of luck to you all. Cheers!

- Posted by Super Saiyan Vegito

#4096 reply report

Here's a fact. You are just mad at me because I mined you and helped Honor deactivate your precious Colonel on a 2 on 1. That's why you spammed 'lame' like a sore loser for like a week every time I logged on after that lol.
And if you want to call somebody out on quitting low, make sure you don't quit low yourself. That's like the pot calling the kettle black.
All that practice since 1997...All those hours put into this game and you still haven't made general and you've been playing for how many hours? FYI, I did it on 7 hrs on JD. No free kills at all. I am a better player than you are. "End."

- Posted by Johnny Dangerously

#4097 reply report

BreaK BaD and WEENIEBOY sound salty.
If there's no skill in the game then why do you both stink at it?
Stop whining, LOSERS.

- Posted by NewbieAlert

#4100 reply report

WEENIE BOY, I rule, You rule, We rule together!

- Posted by Krusty The Clown

#4109 reply report

Eat me!!

- Posted by ThanksgivingTurkey

#4111 reply report

I'm apologize, I did not intend to get that Blue Capt kill. My internet connection is tapped out so I gotta wait til Dec 1st when they reset it. I just logged in to check on the action and when I saw you I decided to teleport in. I didn't know 2 dual's would kill that dude. Sorry.

- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#4112 reply report

And to all you people who are clicking on "I RULE" just to get at me, your efforts are for nothing. Couple of days ago, I declared that "I DON'T RULE" anymore. I recently found out that we only have 5GB's every month and once we go over, they "throttle" our usage down (meaning I'm slower than molasses in this game). So until we can get this problem fixed, MY comm button "I RULE" is officially being handed over to: Sujo, Battlefield-2, Warrior, ENDURANCE, -Michonn-, Battlefield-0, and that Super Sayin Vegito dude.
P.S. I bet Battlefied-6 is Ashrak2002?!?!?!?!

- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#4102 reply report

@ battlefield 2 and purple
Great raid. Have to admit it has been about ten years since I have had to survive a for real raid. Surviving six or seven tanks for 40 min was not easy. Props to you all for not giving up. Sorry I couldn't take more shots at you guys to make it fun but i couldn't survive three rounds of shots from everyone. In the end armor didn't turn on and you all got the best of me. Great fight! Hope you all had more fun than I had! I had to leave for last hr but decided to give you all your fun.
judge constance harm.... it's cool to be a part of raids, but don't talk down to people trying to survive. Save that for the quitters.

- Posted by SimplyElite

#4103 reply report

Great play'n Purples! Special shout out to Battlefield-2 for helping me get that elusive 3rd star. Blues, you took it on the chin honorably. What comes around goes around.

- Posted by TROUBLE

#4104 reply report

Who cares if a couple losers take free kills (as long it's not in tournaments)? It doesn't harm other players, they only ruin the fun for themselves. Instead of the great feeling of earning your rank and star awards fairly through hard work, those losers are left with the empty knowledge that they have cheated and their accomplishments mean nothing. Everyone else sees them taking free kills and knows who the losers are. They receive no honor. My advice is: Don't stoop to their level. The best thing to do is try to snipe their free kills, which takes a lot of skill in itself but is worthwhile just to see how upset they'll get. Also continue to expose them on the bulletin board.

- Posted by Truth

#4105 reply report

You do your talking on the field now? Nice low quit on our 1 on 1 yesterday noob.
This is Johnny Dangerously btw. Looks like you bark more than you bite.
Fyi noob, I made General on this tank yesterday and my play time is at a little over 10 hours. How about you? ;)

- Posted by Lonely Hearts

#4106 reply report

I can see your points but I have to disagree. Sometimes less is more but in this case with this particular game it just wouldn't be smart thing to do. Also thinking that this game doesn't need strategy is part of the reason why you don't get 1v1. I'm not saying your going to get a ton but it can happen. Mainly with people that play these days just have to catch someone slipping lol. Getting a kill is also not guaranteed during raids.
Just comes down to learning when and how people will go for fuel. Watch when then go for fuel and try and block em. Don't wait for the homing shot to chase someone stop firing right when you think they are going to move and get ready to use map. Soon as u get there throw mine down to try and block them from moving. It works im just to slow most times atm lol. I also agree with that Ashrak thing guy is lame shooting over stuff only. When you run out of missles before duals YOUR DOING IT WRONG! Lol
Cya in Game Go Panthers

- Posted by mark

#4107 reply report

Just wanted to say that i really respect your style of play, keep it up

- Posted by DIBELLO

#4108 reply report

Attention Tankpit Players. The Orange Battlefield-0 is not associated with the Battlefield team, I repeat, not associated. Thank you. This poor fellow can't afford a name change.

- Posted by Battlefield-5


#4110 reply report

Eat me!!

- Posted by ThanksgivingTurkey

#4098 reply report

Only way to get better is to man up and play your best, learn from mistakes, try new strategies, practice. Crybabies, whiners and others who give up stay newbies forever!

- Posted by NewbieAlert


#4101 reply report

good job purple, ran me dry.

- Posted by Sponge Bob