Posts for March 25, 2016


#12841 reply report

seriously guys like ambush, homer J simpson and all of you guys with that battered sword or even the rusty one and a few more tournaments cups as well I really don't know how you can handle that long a 8-10 tanks raids like this

- Posted by Blaster

#12842 reply report

Well another weekend is upon us brothers & with that being said, "It's time for another weekend safety brief"
First off, Who put an obby in the toilet and left it. You are all grown men. You should know better, flush the toilet. Don't leave obbys for others to find.
Don't text and tankpit. This is for obvious reason, but I still feel like I need to recapulate this yet again. You will crash your tank and you will die.

- Posted by Galvatron

#12843 reply report

I know you are going to drink this weekend but do not drink and pit. You will get pulled over by the TP police, and will get a "TUI". If you are under the age of 21 and don't know what a TUI is, ask a tank with a Rusty Sword.
Furthermore, I do not even know why I have to bring this up. Why are you stupid goons using obbys to block the water. Stop it. You are causing your buddies to run out of fuel and fall prey to other teams.

- Posted by Galvatron

#12844 reply report

Don't kick your dog.
Don't Beat your spouse, even if they are nagging you, to do something constructive, besides pit.
And last but not least, DO NOT FRY BACON NAKED.
With that being said, you all enjoy your weekend and try not to show up on the monday morning blotter, or we will have a recall.
Battalion! Attention!

- Posted by Galvatron

#12847 reply report

In preparation for tomorrow's premiere date for Saffronman, here are some details regarding the series as well as the theme song!
The following is a 7 day post series, suitable for tanks 9 hours and over. The content may trigger post tournament stress disorder for some tanks.
Theme Song
Faster than a speeding homing, More powerful than armor shields, Able to teleport across maps in a single click, It's a bug! It's a bot! It's Saffronman!
Saffronman, Man of Spice.

- Posted by Miles Standish

#12848 reply report

Saffronman rocketed to the world map as a recruit when the distant map of Singuton exploded, who disguised as Ashrak2002, a mild mannered raid observer for the Daily Map, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice and freedom, with super powers far beyond those of ordinary tanks.
End of theme song.
I look forward to bringing you this series in the coming days, see you!

- Posted by Miles Standish

#12849 reply report

Hello all!
Please tune in henceforth to discover what critics are calling a must read bulletin board series exploring the adventures of Saffronman.
Critic 1 (Sean987) said "Read this series. Do not spoil it by looking it up, do not come into it with any preconceived notions relating to Singularity Saffron (50), just go."
Critic 2 (Supreme Commander) gestures towards a "must read" meme.
Critic 3 (Parsec Parsley) said "Fantastic! I'm taking a hiatus from BB responsibilities till this ends!"

- Posted by Miles Standish


#12845 reply report

Is your recruit having a hard time repairing after a deactivation? Sing these privatery rhymes to help speed up the process!
Privatery rhyme #1:
There was a player who had a tank,
And Cujo was his name-o.
And Cujo was his name-o.
Privatery Rhyme #2:
Throttle, Throttle, Thumping, my noob John,
Went to deactivation with his tank tracks on;
One track off, and the other track on,
Throttle, Throttle, Thumping, my noob John.

- Posted by Nighteyes