Posts for November 25, 2013


#4081 reply report

@Super Saiyan Vegito
That's coo I was wondering who that was back then I just couldn't remember. My pc doesn't have the response time I had back then or ping i think it's called so im a lot slower these days. Still fun to play.
@To everyone else
Like I said before im slow in large groups so don't start crying when you try and raid me with 6 or 7 tanks and i don't stick around. Just not going to happen. I might do 4v1 but anything higher then that I might aswell dump full turn of shields and just get deactivated. Thats just the way it is once I can do more then I will until then get over it lol.
Cya In Game Go Panthers!!

- Posted by mark

#4082 reply report

For everyone:
This is simplyelite. Also formally known as boy. I played castles as blue and was ranked 6th at one point. I like everyone else am happy to see my childhood game back and running. Good luck to everyone. It's been a fun ride so far! Keep it comming!

- Posted by SimplyElite

#4083 reply report

I will never back down. Death before dishonor!

- Posted by Super Saiyan Vegito

#4084 reply report

***Optimus Prime***

- Posted by Skullcruncher

#4085 reply report

Our planet was once a powerful empire, peaceful and just, until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied them were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet, and the All Spark was lost to the stars. Megatron followed it to Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him...

- Posted by Optimus Prime

#4086 reply report

I honestly thought I was the weakest player in TankPit...........until I met YOU!!!! You stink son!

- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#4087 reply report

to all:
your daddy is back, get ready for battle.
lookin to kick butt and chew bubble gum....
but im all out of gum.

- Posted by Omega Supreme

#4088 reply report

@ johnny Dangerously
Lol at you noob i have played different versions of this game since 1997. I am no noob, Face facts i won on tourny fair and square, i have missed out on general a few times. Whats your point on not being a general i am still a better player than you what ever rank. i
I do my talking on the field now, Best keep your q button ready because your going to need it. Free kills are one of my most hated things on this game, and if i took free kills wouldnt i be a general already. Get your facts straight and dont try and call somebody out when you play like a wimp. End

- Posted by Jonnie

#4089 reply report

Jonnie you spam like Bluntz, pretty lame!
mark-ltns, I miss the old cm....

- Posted by Ammo Thrower Evan

#4090 reply report

so where do i sign up for these free kills...seems like its impossible to catch people rank 50 and below cause all they do is kill eachother in the corner...watching krusty and skull deactivate eachother back and forth makes me wanna get down on this awesome skill, any takers?

- Posted by Sponge Bob

#4092 reply report

If you want to deactivate someone 1v1 you need to learn to use armor shields and be more strategic. Also, try taking the fight to a dry part of the map without much fuel. Of course, if the other person runs or is afraid of using armor shields themselves, it will be impossible to kill them.

- Posted by Truth

#4093 reply report

you are so right. The amount of fuel in the game right now is way TOO HIGH. back in the BF days I played Castles and all the fuel was locked up in the water, I actually remember ppl dying 1 vs 1 on there. Now the so called "pros" of this game only play if its desert or R&S were fuel is EVERYWHERE.
Also, this game has always required very little strategy. I mean, other than finding a few things out, such as when to use shields, pre radaring etc. it basically boils down to whether you have fast internet or not.
Really the only thing people have as strategy is mine planting

- Posted by LoL

#4094 reply report

Congrats weekend nachos for getting my kill. A combination of everyone turning on me and me lagging at that exact moment lead to a very quick kill whoops hahahah

- Posted by goober

#4095 reply report

Thank you HONOR.

- Posted by Sujo