Posts for October 25, 2015


#11676 reply report

+3 Optimus Prime

- Posted by Murcielago

#11677 reply report

Ok as a purple we had things figured out pretty well. To the special kind of lack of intelligence playing for the blue team.... Try not jump to fuels right next to someone taking a raid. I wasnt even able to shoot back in the last raid where i died to lieu. You radar in front of the person getting raided. I mean i know its hard for yall but watch the simpsons. Im really tired of tryng to sword this tank when im left to play with trash like yall. Nice job out there optimus as always.

- Posted by -xJedi

#11678 reply report

Death Warrant
Next time another blue is taking a raid, stay far away. You're not good enough to determine what fuel your ally is going to use and end up stealing them. You've costed me about 5 early deaths now. Stay away from me when I'm being raided.

- Posted by Skullcruncher

#11679 reply report

Believe it or not I didn't mean to die there Johnny, my armor just didn't turn on for whatever reason.
Good action tonight, kind of annoying to see people like God who switch teams depending on majority get kills.
I tried to be on the minority team for most of the time.

- Posted by itscake

#11680 reply report

Props to anyone who took a real raid. Off the top of my head:
Vom Krieg
Worthless list:

- Posted by Defeat

#11683 reply report

Sure, and those priorities equal playing like a newbie in "a 90's game" tournament?
It just doesn't make sense that you'd be upset with Sigma trying to help another player out with some friendly advice. >.>

- Posted by sFear

#11685 reply report

blue-4 MVP
RIP johnny tightlips

- Posted by iCANTstopLAUGHING

#11686 reply report

Homer is on his way to claim #1

- Posted by Abraham Simpson II

#11687 reply report

More props to the Simpsons. Homer and Abraham. You've got mad skills!

- Posted by itscake


#11684 reply report

Little tip Frinzee, if you want to help out a raided team mate, NEVER land on a fuel that you can see on your radar. Land on a blank space and then scan, or scan around them.
Do not under any circumstance click on a fuel location on your radar.
This is how I died.

- Posted by itscake


#11673 reply report

I thought I had passed u to i was lucky to even get the Lt kill i was outta duals i think i was the 4th or 5th Capt at the time

- Posted by Seismic Wand

#11681 reply report

Congrats RHINOX


#11682 reply report

I justed wanted to let everyone know that I'm a loser :)
that is all

- Posted by RHINOX SUX

#11688 reply report

Why hasn't Frinzee been banned yet?

- Posted by Emancipator

#11689 reply report

Fun tourney.. Been out of dual for the last 20 min but since I already had a kill for major i didnt feel the need to fill.. 2 Gold in 2 days w00t!

- Posted by Shuriken