Posts for February 24, 2018
@ Private-1
So bold to speak out as a private...
I've pretty much been around since the game was created on bonus. If you really knew me you'd know I was probably the last person to get speed hack on BF and it wasn't until after I got to top 5. So for whatever reason you hate me flip off. I love the game and I guarantee on same network I am still a top 5 player. If you don't have lag you are ignorant to what it does to your game speed. I didn't ask for the hack back, all I said
- Posted by getchya
It pretty much leveled the playing field due to ping speed. I guess all I can say is Learn to Read.
- Posted by getchya
@ Private-1
Ya know, one more thing my little friend, Once I got to top 5 on bf and whatever on TP (actually never really got into TP).. I quit. Both times before the party ended so maybe look in the mirror to see why I left bf and likely others.. The ugly attacking of folks has always been ridiculous around here. I actually thought the clan of you awesome people -and you know who you are- would actually have grown up over all these years. Guess not lol.
- Posted by getchya
Giving the folks applause to the speed hacks back then. You act as if it wasn't revolutionary to the game to allow you to move your tank as fast as you could play. I really thought it would have been integrated into the game just due to the power of it. TP deciding not to integrate it was a mistake I think but not what I was talking about here.
- Posted by getchya
TULIP/GB Fudgepackers,
U TANK CLOWN? Your motha said yo 2 fat down syndrome kids peed on your lap top. rekt! Bend the knee loser
- Posted by Ashrak2002
We would rather not have people like you around anyways, to be honest. I play from Australia with a ping probably 4x higher than yours and I do just fine. Man up and deal with it. Not much difference in the 30 and 70 between east and west coast.
Also bringing up speed hack as justification? Get outa here lol
- Posted by DULLAHAN
If you play like a cuck and join the discord server you might be humiliated like OSPF Routing. Cry some more plz lol.
- Posted by - Clear - Sky -
Last tournament I had a plan to lure people into the water on a rock/brick - too bad it didn't work
- Posted by Chicken