Posts for December 24, 2018
Soul Sweeper;
This is waR COFFEE ltns!
Join discord
the front page of this website has a link to it under archived news
- Posted by OSPF ROUTING
Sir GooFy,
We'll fight when I deem it a worthy use of my time. Not before. You are not in control, and you have no influence to force the action. Further, I was (probably) one of the first 15-20 players on this game back during the Bonus days. I don't need lames like you running your mouth to me about how to play. Enjoy the game? I THOROUGHLY enjoyed stealing those raid kills to rank up. If you don't like the way I play, go to another forgotten corner of the internet and complain there.
- Posted by OSPF is a maggot
OSPF is a maggot;
dude you need d**k or Jesus in your life bruh..
lol no clue why so much salt towards me but its just a silly a55 game
- Posted by OSPF ROUTING