Posts for October 24, 2015


#11660 reply report

Sup all. Used to love this game YEARS ago. Good to see some people play!

- Posted by Fyre

#11662 reply report

Glad the cracki3 plays for blue now :) ... Star struck

- Posted by SimplyElite

#11663 reply report

so many blue mines lol

- Posted by Zoopid

#11664 reply report

Im pretty sure i have earned enough respect with this community to say that you are trash and should never speak to anyone about being bad. You literally coould not be any worse.

- Posted by -xJedi

#11665 reply report

Thanks mysterious. I thought i was a little jumpy but glad someone had fun.

- Posted by -xJedi

#11666 reply report

That would be awesome. I have tried for a very long time to get in there. Doesnt ever seem to work though. :)

- Posted by -xJedi

#11667 reply report

Sorry guys for the poor showing. I was texting cause i thought i was just pphing. looked up and freak and hit the wrong fuel like a dumb. Fun times lol fun times

- Posted by -xJedi

#11668 reply report

sFear, no buddy. It just means that the player plays the game casually and has priorities over a 90's game.

- Posted by SzL

#11669 reply report

Man oranges.
I am sorry about this morning. I know homer is probably happy but that was way bad. I was texting my little brother and only half paying attention. I was about to leave when yall came at me but i didnt want yall to pull something stupid and say i quit low or something. Oh well. Congrats homer. When are you gonna pass incontinent? Im pretty sure he doesnt even play anymore.

- Posted by -xJedi


#11659 reply report

Do homing shots go over walls and tanks, do we need to use missiles at all?

- Posted by God


#11670 reply report

there you go boys fought your mob back with my slow connection. Glad u could kill me now maybe one day ull play them the right way but hell ill shooot back sigma just for you!

- Posted by Frinzee

#11671 reply report

So happy to land that cup, I was 3rd captain when i hit major but it was soo close between 2nd and 4th capt.. When i saw another one got major i was certain i was 2nd.. I guess i did a good pph for once!

- Posted by Rhinox

#11672 reply report

Congratulations to Rhinox on claiming his gold cup finally

- Posted by Sentinel Prime