Posts for October 24, 2013


#3676 reply report

Glad to see -MichonnE- in the Top 25 list right now, because that is just a baller tank name.

- Posted by Beard

#3677 reply report

thank u I Heart Catherine,u got some really mad skills out there ur self.sometimes i dont think im as good as i used to be ive been a major for weeks now ive had a few close calls but i know i just gotta keep trying and ill get my next star.see u on the field

- Posted by skiptomylou


#3675 reply report

Liu Kang is a horrible player, even his blue teammates hate him. Whatever you do, don't take him as your role model.

- Posted by I Heart Catherine


#3673 reply report

___memo from Supreme Commander coming out of Blue Headquarters
men! my fellow comrades! a blue tank by the name of "Bread" has made a grave provocation by denying my ascent to power over blue tanks. on this very day, i cast shame on him and his household, his pets and everything associated with his name, including his cattle and horses. i officially announce this evening that he is no longer a "true blue" comrade, but simply a mockery -- he is not one of us. "Bread" now specializes in the art of betrayal and will receive a demotion to "judas iscariot". he is nothing more than a lowly charlatan and anyone from the "true blue" ranks found in his circles shall also be charged with treason. thank you and have a nice day.

- Posted by Supreme Commander

#3674 reply report

In order to be demoted, you have to actually take a raid or allow your fuel bar to get lower than halfway and take chances. Hope this helps...

- Posted by Skullcruncher


#3672 reply report

Good Job out there today gents. You guys bested me. I Enjoyed the witch hunt on me after I died the first time lol.

- Posted by Cadishack